Saturday, December 13, 2008

2008 Bighorn Sheep Lottery Permit Holder Takes Trophy Ram

David Janssen of rural Hastings, took a full-curl bighorn ram at Peterson Wildlife Management Area southwest of Fort Robinson State Park on Dec. 11 to fill his 2008 Nebraska bighorn lottery permit. David Janssen of Hastings took this bighorn ram Dec. 11 at Peterson Wildlife Management Area. Janssen took the ram with a high-powered rifle on the second day of the hunt. He was accompanied on the hunt by wildlife biologist Dean Studnicka of Crawford and Todd Nordeen, district wildlife manager in the Commission’s Alliance office. Biologists said the ram was approximately seven years old. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commissioners authorized the issuance of one bighorn permit -- a lottery permit -- for the 2008 bighorn season. Janssen’s name was drawn from a barrel containing 1,357 bighorn permit applications at a Commission meeting in Beatrice on Aug. 29. “The lottery permit, which was made available only to Nebraska residents, is the first bighorn permit issued since the last bighorn hunt at Fort Robinson three years ago,” Nordeen said. “The bighorn hunt is an extremely rare opportunity to hunt for a trophy bighorn,” Janssen said. “But the real story of the hunt for me is the work everyone is doing to bring the bighorns back to their historical ranges, here in Nebraska and across North America.” Once native to parts of Nebraska, bighorn sheep were reintroduced in the Pine Ridge in 1981 and to the Wildcat Hills in 2001. Significant disease losses in the both areas during the winter of 2004-05 resulted in bighorn hunting season closure in 2006 and 2007. Funds raised by the sale of bighorn permits are used for the Nebraska bighorn sheep management program.


I have wondered alot about this sport and to tell you the truth, it sounds like loads of fun. I have done a little research on the matter and decided to share the information with you.
Snagging of paddlefish and nongame fish is permitted in the Missouri River from the Gavins Point Dam downstream to the mouth of the Big Sioux river at Mile Marker 734, except for a closed area that extends downstream from Gavins Point Dam to a line that extends from the east end of the south cement wall of the discharge canal northwest to the east end of the north wall of the stilling basin. Paddlefish harvested by snagging may be possessed only on the Missouri River during the respective open season in the area designated as open for harvest. The snagging season runs only from October 1 through October 30. Legal hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. All snaggers must obtain and have in their possession an unfilled paddlefish tag in addition to a fishing license and Aquatic Habitat Stamp (if required) to be actively snagging. A paddlefish must be tagged immediately in the dorsal fin with the anglers tag upon addition to the creel. Any paddlefish tag that is locked prior to attachment, altered or modified shall be void and will not be replaced. Only one hook may be used when snagging, and the gap between the point of the hook to the shank may not exceed one-half inch. The daily bag and possession limits are equal to the total number of tags issued to an individual. A harvest quota will be managed by issuing a limited number of free paddlefish tags with a limit of not more than two tags per person.All paddlefish anglers are required to cast for and hook their own fish. All paddlefish between 35 and 45 inches long (measured along the center line of the fish, lying flat, including the entire eye to the natural fork of the tail), must be returned to the water immediately. The slot limit is designed to protect the majority of spawning-size fish. It is unlawful to use a gaff hook or other penetrating device while landing snagged paddlefish. Immediate cleaning of a snagged paddlefish is restricted to the removal of only the snout, anterior of the eye and the viscera. Final processing may only be completed once the angler has reached his residence or prior to consumption. Anglers should be prepared to transport a large paddlefish with only the snout removed, if they choose to harvest a fish more than 45 inches in length.
I've heard that paddlefish have the consistency of pork with very little fat. People that I have talked to say it is delicious served with melted butter and taste alot like lobster. Now I don't know if this is true, but would like to find out for myself.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Deer Harvest Records Broken

Southwest Nebraska deer hunters bagged 6,223 deer during the November firearm season, a 17 percent increase over last year, according to preliminary results from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Statewide, hunters harvested a record 57,529 deer, which breaks the previous record, set last year, by 8,100, or 16 percent. The highest firearm harvest was in southeast Nebraska, where 14,096 deer were taken, an increase of 26 percent from last year. Every permit in that district included a bonus tag. Kit Hams, the Commission's big game program manager, attributes the sharp increase to the issuance this year of 85,000 bonus tags that allow the harvest of antlerless white-tailed deer. "This is good news," he said. "It's definitely what we were trying to accomplish with the bonus tags." The goal of the bonus tags is to thin the antlerless whitetail herd, especially in eastern Nebraska, where crop-damage complaints and deer-vehicle collisions are common. Other 2008 November firearm deer harvest totals by district, and percentage of increase from 2007 included: Southeast, 14,096, 26 percent; Northeast, 12,900, 11 percent; South-central, 9,142, 8 percent; North-central, 9,428, 20 percent; and Panhandle, 5,740, 17 percent. The commission's objective to control the expanding deer population continues. The muzzleloader season is Dec. 1-31 and the January season is Jan. 1-15, 2009. Hams expects the total harvest from all deer seasons this year to be 75,000-80,000, which would be a record. Last year's total harvest was 68,500. Following are some deer hunting reminders from the Commission: * November firearm deer season bonus tags may not be used during any other season. Muzzleloader bonus tags may be used only in December. Youth, landowner, and season choice bonus tags may be used in December or January. * Deer hunters with permits that have bonus tags should remember that the tags may be filled in any order. * Hunters still may take advantage of the Deer Exchange. It is a program that allows for the transfer of deer meat from hunters to people who want to receive it. Go online to for more information or to sign up for free. Nearly 1,000 people have signed up so far. * Hunters should read the 2008 Nebraska Big Game Guide before purchasing permits. The guide is available where permits are sold, as well as online at

Trophy Room

I would like to start a trophy room. If you have any photos of any type of wildlife that you would like to be added, please email me the photo, name of individual that took it, means of taking it and location. Email to

Website-For the Nebraska Outdoorsman

I have looked for a website with all the information about hunting and fishing in Nebraska and could not find one that I liked or one that had the information I wanted or needed. I decided to produce a website of my own that would be beneficial to all the outdoorsmen in Nebraska. If you have any information that you would like for me to add, please email me and let me know. You can contact me at I will do what I can to publish information that you want. If you have any questions on anything about hunting and fishing, all you have to do is email me and I will do my darndest to answer them for you. I am looking forward to supplying a website that will be beneficial for you and will help you in any way. I am not a great writer, and will welcome any stories that you may have that you would like to share. Also, if you know of anyone that would be interested in my site, please pass it on!!! Again, I am looking forward to this website and hope I can supply you with some valuable and interesting information.

Outdoorsman of the year for Nebreaska

Starting in January, I will be picking an individual each month that will be named Outdoorsman of the month. This individual will be nominated by you. I will take nominations at any time and will be due on the 20th of the preceding month. Nominations for January will be taken until January 25th to start out the first month. At the end of the year, I will put the 12 monthly winners up for readers to vote for Outdoorsman of the year for Nebraska. When submitting your nominee, please write a short essay telling me why you think he/she should be considered. Also attach 1 photo of the individual for posting. You can nominate someone for hunting, fishing, all around sportsman, or someone that contributes to the outdoors. You can email me at or send to Mike Boehler, PO Box 183, Minden, NE 68959. I am looking forward to recieving your nominees. The winner's essay and photo will be published at the end of each month.


If anyone has information that you would like for me to furnish, please let me know. I will be providing information for my surrounding area to start but will be happy to furnish any information that you request. Hope you enjoy the site!

Midwest Hunting and Fishing Contact Information

Below is a listing of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Nebraska-Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 2200 N. 33rd St., Lincoln, NE 68503 • (402) 471-0641 This website can give you invaluable information on hunting and fishing in the Nebraska.


Welcome to Nebraska Hunting and Fishing Site. I will be supplying information on hunting in the State of Nebraska. Informative articles, ads and things to try. I hope you enjoy this site. Michael Boehler