Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hunting Tip of the Week

Remember when you're aiming at a flying pheasant, always remember to aim a little bit ahead of the pheasant. Think of it as a quarterback throwing to his wide reciever while the reciever is running. You don't want to throw the the ball directly at the reciever while he is running or else it will end up behind him. If you throw it in front of him while he is running the ball will go directly to him. You get what I'm saying. Make sure you know what is beyond your target and if you're hunting with some buddies, where they are before you shoot. You should also know where your zone starts and ends. And keep in mind the number one rule of gun safety: muzzle control. Happy hunting!

1 comment:

  1. Pheasant hunts are my son and my favorite.
